Monday, February 8, 2010

Bench Monday.... um, not so much.

She looks surprisingly happy here... but she has pneumonia and asthma, officially. I have had very little sleep and very little desire to get my camera out. And, we are getting even more snow, and then even more snow. Ugh, bad start to the week.


  1. And just so you know, the only reason I post so many pictures of Avery is because she is with me during the day and that's usually when I get around to taking my photos. I promise I do not favor one daughter over the other!! I feel bad about that sometimes, but I'm really no good at photographing scenery, so whoever is closest to the camera at the moment does the honors. There, now I feel like a better Mom. :)

  2. Awww...poor girl! Pneumonia and asthma? Oh! and poor Mama too:-(
    Hugs and kisses from all of us...
